March 29, 2010

I Wanna Be a Project Alpha TV Star!

Hahahha..gelak cam org jahat lak..Actually, Nur de something new yg Nur nk share dgn sume..Camne kite nk jd TV star dgn care mudah..soo easy as ABC you..

Actually, ni lah peluang korang utk jd "Guest Blogger" dlm project Alpha ni. Nur tau korg2 kt luar sne tu kan kate salurkan kekreatifan korg tu kt Project Alpha ruumz group and pap!!..(sile jgn sentap..)..anda akan berpeluang utk jd trkenal mcm dorg ni..sape dorg? Sile klik SINI..(my best opt. is Jojo gorgeous..)

Ok, make it nk join this audition adlh sprti di bwh:-

  1. Buat 1 video ( ikut kreativiti msg2 ) dlm mase 60 saat atau kurg.
  2. Join ruumz atau login je klu dh de acc. ruumz..
  3. Upload video yg korg create tu kat "Audition" Album.
  4. Jgn lupe letk tjuk and descrption ttg video audition korg.
  5. Utk naikkan rating video korg..jgn lupe sebarkan ttg video korg kt sedare mare, kgkwn, ofismate and jiran blog maupun FB's, Friendster's..Monster's..( lain je bunyi tuh..) utk undian "Like" video korg..
Utk Terms & Conds. sile klik SINI..So good luck babes.. tggu lg..pas bace N3 Nur ni..lekas2 wat video pendek korg tuh & lekas2 gak join ini audition..dlm list blogger fofular tu de gak trselit si "Azwan Ali propa".. (to Azwan Ali's fan..jgn mare ye..Nur tukg promote jek..he3)Mmm..leh korek cite sensasi dia depn2 gitu..

Lg 1, korg jgn xtau lak yg de hdiah utk pemenang video tu nnti..Antaranye ialah..jeng..jeng..jeng..

1st Prize
- 3 days 2 nights stay at 360Kuching Hotel, Kuching in a Deluxe Room with breakfast for 2 pax
- Adidas ACTION 3 hamper worth RM100 (Includes a South Africa 2010 mini ball)
- P1 W1GGY Prepaid worth RM199

2nd & 3rd Prize
- Adidas ACTION 3 hamper worth RM100 (Includes a South Africa 2010 mini ball)
- P1 W1GGY Prepaid worth RM199

Bestkan..sgt best kalu korg yg menang..Nur ucapkan good luck bebanyak..Rugi kalu xcube nsib..Cm biase..kate pepatah org kite.."Tuah ayam nmpk di kaki..Tuah manusia ni..sape pun xdpt nk agk" go you..go!!!!

Project Alpha Season 2 is presented by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 and MAS. Auditions are now open! Check it out at or

1 comment:

maslinamansor said...

Join gak... minggu kelima kan... :)
Buat entry jer la... nak join, rasanya saya tak layak lagi... huhuhu