April 28, 2010

Road Trip with My Broadband

Salam all..

Haa..kali ni Nur nk share dgn korg cmne road trip Nur dgn Broadband Nur..
Berkebetulan lak last weekend Nur & family de turun ke Cherating
dan ber berkebetulan gak la mr Nuffie kite suh wat N3 psl ni
mm..cam nk citer sume tp takut de yg borink lak..

Actly, mlm B4 ktorg gerk Nur dh siap wt list pe brg2 yg prlu bwk..
Sgt penting utk list down takut luper..
Ye la..dgn brg en.suami, brg Yusra..brg2 Nur lg..brg2 utk kije..
mm..& sgt lah mengong kalu tetibe brg yg sgt pnting
utk kiter gune stiap hari
tp lupe nk dibawak..
cth mcm WiGGY kt bwh ni..

Owwhh..rase nk nanges je kalu trtinggal..
Bab prnah jadi so tu yg extra cautious tuh
tiap kali jln je mst de list

Smpi je kt area Cherating tu ktorg trus je cari chalet yg murah2..
byk plihan tp sygnye byk dh pnuh..
tp Alhamdulillah pas 20min pusing2
ktorg pn dpt la 1 chalet murah kt sane..
Cherating Duyung Beach Resort
(leh gak klik SINI utk list resort/motel yg lain)
jgn xcaye RM50/nite u..
ktorg dpt murah pas dah gesel2 bahu dgn owner chalet tu..

tmpt pn strategik kedai mkn pn dkt
tp syg coverage lak xde
kije pn dgn hati yg kurg tnteram
and spend 1nite without any coverage..
(dlm hati berbuku2 bile la nk de line kt cni..)
ke nk kena vote area kt dorg nih..

ketaku laju gagah memecut..nk cri cverage punye psl..

Soknye sggah Kuantan
Jejak je bndr Kuantan...
weewwwwitttt..the world is fully open ko..
WiMax skli suda mari..
so pe lg..en.suami la yg tibai mroyan dpn lappy

Nur cume mmndg sepi smbil lyn Yusra..
tp xleh kaco..org tgh kije..
nk wt cmne..lappy pn de 1 je..
drp blogging better en.suami hntr report piling kt boss
sian dia trgodeh2 kt lappy
umpama hrimau yg kelpran xckup mkn..
hohoho..gnsnye prumpamaan nih

Nur sbg isteri mithali sskli de gak kebil2 mnje kucing prsi
nk tmpg lappy seploh jari bagai
tp still xsmpt gak bab Yusra sbuk mlompat2 ats tilm
skali lg mlm ku sepi tnpa berblogging..

so smabil2 tu korg layan je projek Alpha season2 utk ep8-10 kt bwh ni..

~layannnnnn yokk~

Niki Cheong is the first featured blogger of Season 2! He blogs at http://nikicheong.com/blog on issues of local interest, global interest and of no interest at all.

Jojo Struys continues grilling Elaine Daly for the scoop on Niki Cheong! Some tidbits Jojo dug up: Niki is an epic fan of a certain 90's pop group, and... is Niki attached at the moment? :)Finally, Niki also reveals something he's working on that will take the Project Alpha team up, up and away... what could it be?

Niki Cheong and Jojo Struys are about to fly to London to meet Singaporean blogger Xiaxue! But before that, Jojo has a close call with her luggage limit D:

Project Alpha Season 2 is presented by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 and MAS.

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